Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Introduction of Environment Design

What is Environment Design?

Environmental design is the process of addressing surrounding environmental parameters when devising plans, programs, policies, buildings, or products. Classical prudent design may have always considered environmental factors; however, the environmental movement beginning in the 1940s has made the concept more explicit.

Environmental design can also refer to the applied arts and sciences dealing with creating the human-designed environment. These fields include architectural, city planning, landscape architecture and interior design.Environmental design can also encompass interdisciplinary areas such as historical preservation and lighting design. In terms of a larger scope, environmental design has implications for the industrial design of products: innovative automobiles, wind-electricity generators, solar-electric equipment, and other kinds of equipment could serve as examples. Currently, the term has expanded to apply to ecological and sustainability issues.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_design

So for my first understanding, environment design is to design something around we all, what we see in our daily life. It also can consider as designing something around us to make our life more interesting. So after I research, I found out there are few environment design which is architectural, city planning, landscape architecture and interior design.


City planning

Landscape architecture

Interior Design

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